01 a Cold Dark Place

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The book 01 a Cold Dark Place was written by author Here you can read free online of 01 a Cold Dark Place book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is 01 a Cold Dark Place a good or bad book?
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What reading level is 01 a Cold Dark Place book?
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She’d doubled up on each phone call by asking about any unreported cases of child abduction fifteen to twenty years ago, never knowing when she might catch a break.
    She didn’t catch a break.
    She looked up and realized she was all alone in the space she usually shared with eight other agents. They’d all gone to meetings and she was left whistling Dixie. She glanced around. It was empty. No one was here.
    Her pulse pounded loudly in her ear.
    The real reason for her being here flashe
...d through her mind, followed by butterflies in the pit of her stomach that launched themselves into the air like vultures. The hum of the heating system and murmur of far-off voices drifted from a long way away. She climbed to her feet and eyed the desks closest to her. Moira Henderson or Felicia Barton? Henderson was Danbridge’s crony so she tackled her first.
    She went over and searched through the drawers.

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01 a Cold Dark Place
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