1992-1993 Budget And Appropriations Summary 1993

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K-12 EDUCATION PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT Public schools are held to 4% annual increases in their general fund budgets, in accord with the executive budget recommendation that it was too soon to make adjustments following the major reform implemented in the 1991 school year. These increases contrast with the past decade when increases in state support of school spending, coupled with falling enrollments, allowed school districts to expand expenditures faster than inflation. While foundation schedule
...s over the past decade have increased 111% versus the 73% increase in the Consumer Price Index, district general fund budgets per ANB have increased even faster, rising 127%.
Foundation schedules are maintained at the FY91 level. Districts will be allowed to increase their budgets the greater of 4% or the amount which would bring them to 135% of the foundation amount.
Districts which budget to spend in excess of 135% of their foundation amount will need voter approval, unless such spending is financed from PL8 1-874 federal impact aid money.

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