700 French Terms for American Field Artillerymen

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Telescope Scissors Tripod Tripod clamps Azimuth scale Eye piece Graduated scale in eye piece Range finder Angle of site measure le telemetre le sitogoniometre ; le sitometre (This pocket instrument also serves to measure large deflections.) Compass Field glasses Case for, Strap for, Jacob's staff for Field of sight Focussing la boussole les jumelles (f) l'etui (m) la courroie le support de jumelles le champ la mise an point OBSERVING INSTRUMENTS 25 B. C. ruler la reglette de direction B. C. rul...er cord le cordonnet SIGNALING Illumination l'eclairage Lantern la lanterne Rocket ; flair la fusee eclairante Searchlight; flashlight le projecteur Semaphore flag le fanion Handle of la hampe Signaling . la signalisation Arm la signalisation a bras By rocket la signalisation par arti- fice By strips of cloth la signalisation par pan- neaux Visual la signalisation optique AMMUNITION Expenditure of am- munition Replenishment of am- munition To replenish ammuni- tion Ammunition shelter Cartridge Cartridge case Cartridge, base of Cartridge, rim of (caught by the ex- tractor) Cartridge cap Cartridge primer Charge Fuze Fuze, base Fuze, combination (time and percussion LES MUNITIONS la consommation de mu- nitions le ravitaillement en mu- nitions ravitailler l'abri a munitions (m) la cartouche la douille le culot le bourrelet l'amorce (f) le tube porte-amorce la charge la fusee la fusee de culot la fusee a double effet AMMUNITION 27 Fuze, delayed action Fuze, without delayed action Fuze, instantaneous Fuze, instantaneous elongated To screw fuze on shell Projectile Shell Shrapnel Shell or shrapnel case Copper rotating band Disc screwed on nose of projectile to in- crease angle of fall Shell, asphyxiating Shell, gas Shell, incendiary Shell, percussion la fusee A.R.

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