A Companion to Greek Studies

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But such side chambers are not a constant feature and seem only to occur in the larger and more elaborate examples. In others the interments seem to have taken place in pit graves in the floor of the beehive.
Boyd-Hawes, Crete the Forerunner of Greece; Gournia. British School at Athens, Phylakopi. Bulle, Orchomenos. Burrows, Discoveries Bibliography. ^.^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ,,, Dorpfeld, Troja und Ilion; Briefe ausLmkas- Itkaka. Dussaud, Les civilisations pr^helle'nzques, 2nd ed. Evans, Excavations
...at Knossos (B.S.A. Vol. vi. and subsequent volumes); Mycenaean Tree ad Pillar Cults The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos; The Nine Minoan Periods .
Forsdyke, The Pottery called Minyan Ware (Journal of Hellenic Studies, I9i4)' Halbherr, Pernier and others, Scavi delta Missione Italiana (Men. Ant.
Vol. XII. ff.). Hall, Aegean Archaeology*. Schliemann, Mycenae; Tiryns.
Schuchhardt, Schliemamis Excavations. Seager, Explorations in the Islm ofMochlos. Tsountas and Manatt, The Mycenaean Age, 2nd ed.* Wace and Thompson, Prehistoric Thessaly.

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