A Course of Mathematics for the Use of Academies As Well As Private Tuition

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The greate'st range is when the angle of elC'* vation is 45^, or half a right angle; for the double of 45 la 90, which has the greatest sine. Or the radius os, wbich is J of the range, b the greatest sine. , ^ And hence the greatest range, or that at an elevation of 45% ts just double the altitude ap which is due to the velocity, or equal to 4vc. Consequently, in that case, c is the focus of the {Mrabola, and ah its parameter. Also, the ranges are eqoal» at angles equally above and below 4S«'.
...89. Corol, 6. When the elevation is 150, the double of which, or 30^, has its sine equal to half the radius ; conse- quently then iu range will be equal to ap, or half the greatest range at the elevadon of 45^" ; that is, the ran^eat isMs equal to the iropelus or height due to the projecule vehEK:ity.
90k CoroU 7.
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A Course of Mathematics for the Use of Academies As Well As Private Tuition
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