A Creed in Stone Creek

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Tom’s words echoed in her brain.
I smell a setup, he’d said, when she’d invited him to supper, moments before.
“You have a suspicious mind, Tom Parker,” she accused.
“Part of the job,” Tom admitted, holding open the heavy glass door for her.
It occurred to Melissa then, as it might have to Tom as well, that it was a shame their relationship had always been platonic. They’d have made a good couple, she guessed, but there was no spark on either side. Hanging out with Sheriff Parker was like being
...with her brother, Brad—easy, low-key and safe.
Keeping company with Steven, on the other hand, had the same charge as bungee jumping off a high bridge or riding a unicycle across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope.
“Taking risks is a part of your job, too,” Melissa replied briskly, as they moved—man, woman and dog—along the corridor. “But when it comes to romance, you’re nothing but a coward.”
“So it was a setup,” Tom said, with a note of triumph. “I knew it.”

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