A Diary of the Siege of the Legations in Peking : During the Summer of 1900

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A few Americans who were coming down from duty on the wall just after dark saw a lot of Chinese rushing down the road at the back of the German Legation, probably with the intention of getting in among the houses, such Digitized by VjOOQIC SIEGE OP PEKING LEGATIONS 121 as Kierulf 's, Bristowe's, and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, which lie between the Germans and the canal, and are not occupied by any- foreign troops. They would most likely have burnt and looted these if the Americans had not
... spotted them and given them a few voUeys, on which they fled hastily back,leaving some twenty dead behind them.
There was also an attack on our position in the Fu, but it was easily repulsed. Altogether, the night did not pass off as badly as it might, though it sounded awful to us lying helpless in a gloomy room with the bullets pattering on the roof and the dying groans of a French volunteer who was brought in yesterday morn- ing with his larynx shot through.
I don't want any more such nights myself, though I suppose we shall have them all the same ; they are exciting and really quite enjoy- able when one is weU, but when one is chained down by a log of a leg, and yet feels perfectly well and fit otherwise, they become rather trying, to say the least.

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A Diary of the Siege of the Legations in Peking : During the Summer of 1900
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