A Digest of the Law of Bills of Exchange : Promissory Notes And Checks

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Austin (1875), 10 L. R. C. P. 689 ; Cf. Shaffer v. Maddox (1879), 9 Neb. 205 ; MoUey v. CUrk (1858), 28 Barb. (N. T.) 390 ; Miser.
V. Trovinger (1857), 7 0. St. 281.
^Lehman v. Jones (1841), 1 W. & S. (Pa.) 126 ; Cf. Spies v. Gihnore (1848), 1 N. Y. at 826. Aliter, if a specified place of payment, Sands v.
Excuses for. honored, does hot dispense with the necessity forpre- non-preseiit- ' ■*■ • ■"■ "^"*- sentment.^ Illustbations.
] . Bill drawn on B. is accepted
... by an agent. At the time the bill matures B. is abroad. This is no excuse, presentment should be made to the agent." 3. B. makes a note "payable at Guildford." B. has no resi- dence there. The note is presented at two banks, and then treated as dishonored. This is sufficient.' 3. The drawer of a bill orders the drawee not to pay it.
The holder hears of this. Presentment is not dispensed with.* 4. The acceptor of a bill informs the holder that he cannot, or will not, pay it when due. Presentment is not dispensed with.' 6.

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A Digest of the Law of Bills of Exchange : Promissory Notes And Checks
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