A Familiar Introduction to the Arts Sciences, With Original Introductory Essays Upon the Subject of Each Lesson. for the Use of Schools And Young Persons. Containing a General Explication of the Fundamental Principles And Facts of the Sciences, Divided in

Cover A Familiar Introduction to the Arts Sciences, With Original Introductory Essays Upon the Subject of Each Lesson. for the Use of Schools And Young Persons. Containing a General Explication of the Fundamental Principles And Facts of the Sciences, Divided in
A Familiar Introduction to the Arts Sciences, With Original Introductory Essays Upon the Subject of Each Lesson. for the Use of Schools And Young Persons. Containing a General Explication of the Fundamental Principles And Facts of the Sciences, Divided in
Joyce, Jeremiah, 1763-1816
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What reading level is A Familiar Introduction to the Arts Sciences, With Original Introductory Essays Upon the Subject of Each Lesson. for the Use of Schools And Young Persons. Containing a General Explication of the Fundamental Principles And Facts of the Sciences, Divided in book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

The atmosphere, as the student will find in the following lessons, means timt mass of air whidi surronnds thk globe.
Ysriflins oonjeetnres have been made witii respect to the height of the atmosphere: and as we know to a certainty tiie relieve weight of a column ef the atmosphere by tlte height to which its prtssnre will raise water or mercury in aoy empty tube, so miferent calculations have been founded CD these data, to asoertaiB its extent as well as its density at deferent heights. If the a
...ir of our atmosphere was, indeed, every where of a uniform density, the proiAem would be veiy easify solved. We should in that ease have nothing more to do than to find out the proportion between the height of a iln>rt pillar of air, and a smul pillar of water of equal weight; and having compared the proporticm the heights of these bear to each othcar in l^e smaB, the same proportion win be wre to hold in the great, between a pillar of water 33 feet Ingh, and a pSlar of air that reaches to the top of the atmos^ phere, whose height I want to know.

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