A Fool And His Money

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He looked at George and Caroline Bartlett.
‘Mrs Bartlett, as you are aware, I have just taken over the running of this surgery. I have looked at your medical notes and your history and, having examined you, I feel that the best thing that you could do for your health is to rest. Completely.’ ‘But I do rest, Doctor. I have a nap every afternoon and my daughter does most things around the house.’ ‘But it’s not enough, Mrs Bartlett. In your frail condition I am going to recommend that you take at l
...east two weeks off and away from the family home. It is entirely up to you of course whether you choose to take that advice. Mr Bartlett, it would be highly recommended that you went with your wife. I would prefer that she had someone to take care of her at all times.’ ‘But, Doctor, my husband is a working man. He can’t just take time off from that, he’s very busy.’ ‘As I said, Mrs Bartlett, that’s your choice, but I am your doctor now and that is my professional opinion.

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