A Galaxy in the Burman Sky: a Memorial

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Soon after the loss of his family his health declined, but it resumed its wonted vigor and he pushed on until finally arrested by the last, the irresistible " enemy." A year, lacking only three days, from the date of Mrs. Comstock's death was all the time allotted him in which to finish his course. This he occupied with a noble spirit of devotion and heroism that entitled him to rank with those incomparable men whom he left to carry on the work in the province. He fell, sword in hand, April 25,... 1844, aged thirty -five.
He had gone to spend the hottest part of the dry season at Akyab, and was there engaged in rewriting and arranging for publication a little work on Arakan — its geography, history, resources, religion, etc. — which A MBMORIAL. 6l was published by tlie American Oriental Society. He was writing the concluding chapter when called to go to his home on High. His illness was brief, being of but two days continuance, and his death triumphant.
He said to Mr. Stilson, "I did desire to live a little longer, to labor for God.

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A Galaxy in the Burman Sky: a Memorial
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