A Gentleman of the South : a Memory of the Black Belt From the Manuscript Memoirs of the Late Colonel Stanton Elmore

Cover A Gentleman of the South : a Memory of the Black Belt From the Manuscript Memoirs of the Late Colonel Stanton Elmore
A Gentleman of the South : a Memory of the Black Belt From the Manuscript Memoirs of the Late Colonel Stanton Elmore
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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" I ought to know my fate pretty soon ; in fact, Fm expecting the major's messenger every minute. The convention should have settled the matter last night, and he promised to send Digitized by Google i68 A GENTLEMAN OF THE SOUTH a man on horseback to let me know. I can't stand the suspense much longer." The confidence in his eyes belied his words ; but Beverley did not notice it. She had been listening intently.
" I hear a horse's gallop now," she cried.
Burwell put his hand to his heart.
...messenger! And my fate is in his message ! Ah, suppose I have failed — suppose the major and I have failed, Beverley. Must I wait two years for another convention? You know you don't like old senators. Why not rebuke the convention, and say * aye ' even if it did say ' no ' ? " "Oh, that would be trifling with the sov- ereign electorate of the district." A negro on horseback had indeed turned into the gateway, and now came slowly up the avenue, his horse showing signs of hard riding. When he reached the steps he held up a note to Burwell, who seized it, made as if to open it, and then, with an air of terri- fied indecision, crushed it in his hand and began to pace up and down the porch.

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