A Gift of Gentians

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But grandma, with soft, muslin kerchief Pinned over her warm, loving breast.
Where ten little heads had been pillowed And rocked into childhood's sweet rest, 64 OUR BOBBY WAS PINCHING THE KITTEN.
Looked up from the little wool stocking Just finished and laid on her knee, And said, " Dear, you'll ruin his temper, You had far better let the child be.
" Don't whip him — his father before him Was punished and shut in the dark, And stood on one foot in the corner.
And disciplined up to the mark ; We
... gave him no credit for honor.
But watched him as spiders watch flies.
And what did it teach him ? Why, mainly To practice deceit and tell lies.
' We called it affection and duty — God knows we were fond of the boy — • But I guess his remembrance of childhood Is not quite a well-spring of joy.
So put up that willow whip, daughter, And try little Bobby once more.
You see he's forgotten his passion.
And lies half asleep on the floor." Then grandmother lifted her darling.

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A Gift of Gentians
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