A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership

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The book A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership was written by author Here you can read free online of A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership a good or bad book?
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3 set $m=(struct list_head *)&modules 4 set $done=0 5 while ( !$done ) 6 # list_head is 4-bytes into struct module 7 set $mp=(struct module *)((char *)$m->next - (char *)4) 8 printf “0x%08X\t%s\n”, $mp, $mp->name 9 if ( $mp->list->next == &modules) 10 set $done=1 11 end 12 set $m=$m->next 13 end 14 end 15 16 document lsmod 17 List the loaded kernel modules and their start addresses 18 end Download at www.wowebook.com 402 Chapter 14 Kernel Debugging Techniques This simple loop starts with the ker...nel’s global variable module. This variable is a struct list_head that marks the start of the linked list of loadable modules. The only complexity is the same as that described in Listing 14-19. We must subtract an offset from the struct list_head pointer to point to the top of the struct module. This is performed in line 7. This macro produces a simple listing of modules containing the address of the struct module and the module’s name. Here is an example of its use: (gdb) lsmod Address Module 0xD1012A80 ip_conntrack_tftp 0xD10105A0 ip_conntrack 0xD102F9A0 loop (gdb) help lsmod List the loaded kernel modules and their start addresses (gdb) Macros such as the ones presented here are very powerful debugging aids.

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A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership
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Guest 6 years ago

a writer of truth in our times of lies

Skullpanda 6 years ago

I really like this book

Guest 6 years ago

I liked the book a good read.

Guest 6 years ago


Skullpanda 6 years ago

Sorry I didn’t mean that to you guest

Skullpanda 6 years ago

Mind your language and shut up you idiot

Guest 6 years ago

Not going to lie thought this was a shit book

Guest 6 years ago

you fuckin' shit bitch niggar suck my cock niggar you bastard
:) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Skullpanda 6 years ago

Shut up you idiot and mind your language

Guest 6 years ago

You must be an ignorant uneducated person to write such a pathetic statement. I doubt you even read the book because you probably do not know how to read. What a moron.

mollycat 6 years ago

I just found this site and unfortunately, I'm no computer genius. I tried downloading this, but nothing happened.
Do you have instructions for dummies like me?

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

This book is boring make better books

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