A History of Bohemian Literature

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With time opinion changed. His educational works, though for a long time only those that are little more than school-books were well known.
2 50 A HISTORY OF BOHEMIAN LITERATURE began again to attract attention. In the present century the first Bohemian edition of the Didactica Magna was rediscovered, and extracts were made from the almost inaccessible Amsterdam folio of 1657, in which alone some of his educational works are contained. The very great merits of Komensk^ as an instructor of the y
...oung are now recognised by most prominent teachers, who alone are competent to give an opinion on this point.
Recently public opinion has perhaps veered too much in the contrary direction. Not content with declaring, what is undeniable, that Komensky was a learned and original writer on educational matters, and the author of one of the most fascinating allegorical tales that have ever been written, great importance has been attributed to his writings on philosophy, or, as he would have called it, " Pansophy." No one can impartially claim for Komensky high rank as a philosopher, and it is cer- tainly a mistake to speak of Komen sky's system of philo- sophy.

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