A History of Eighteenth Century Literature

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A History of Eighteenth Century Literature
Gosse, Edmund, 1849-1928
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J. published, in folio, an imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal, under the title London^ for which he received ten guineas. This poem, though to be some- what eclipsed by a later success, enjoyed the favour of the town.
It was a vigorous but certainly not an inspired study in heroic couplets in the manner of Pope, who was still before the public as a living force, one of whose satires appeared on the very same day as London, The latter poem is not always marked by the author's later serious
...ness of purpose ; Johnson affects in it to scorn and puff away the city which he had really learned to find already indispensable, and which he was presently to love with passion.
After the thirty-fourth line the sentiments of London are placed in Digitized by VjOOQIC IX " LONDON " 285 the mouth of " indignant Thales," in whom the person of Savage has been usually recognised ; he is represented as seeking retire- ment in Wales. There is pathos in the nervous lines in which the poet expresses the misery of those who, poor and enlightened, are obliged to endure the insolence of blockheads ; Johnson, here at least, speaks from the heart, and not less when he asks the question, " When can starving merit find a home ?

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