A History of Greek Literature: From the Earliest Period to the Death of Demosthenes

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A History of Greek Literature: From the Earliest Period to the Death of Demosthenes
Jevons, Frank Byron, 1858- [from Old Catalog]
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His talent was so great as to be suspicious in the eyes of the people. He toiled for years in the darkness and underground workings of oligar- chical clubs and secret societies, and only emerged to the sur- face of politics voluntarily when he could at last establish the tyranny of the Four Hundred. Though destitute of the politi- cal morality which teaches that an existing constitution diould be changed only by legal agitation, faithless to the oath which bound him, as other citizens, to maint...ain the demociacy of Athens, autiior of a reign of terror which was baaed on metho- dical and wholesale assassination, Antiphon is called a man of unsurpassed virtue by Thucydides. The explanation of this is that he was an oligarch distinguished by two qualities ; he had no personal ambition, tmd he was faitiiful to his cause. He worked for his party during many years without putting him- self forward for office or reward, and, when the hour of triumph came, he did not abuse it for personal gain.

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