A History of the Four Georges ..

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For Bolingbroke had that unlucky gift of fancy which enables a man to «ee himself, and his own doings, and his own merits, in whatever light is most gratifying to his personal vanity. He had, in truth, never risked or sacrificed anything for the sake of James, or the Stuart cause.
He never had the least idea of risking or sacrificing anything for that cause, or for any other. It was only when his fortunes in England became desperate, when impeachment, and, as he believed, a scaffold, threatened
... him, when he had no apparent alternative left but to join the Pretender or stay at home and lose all — ^it was only then that he took any decided step as an adherent of the cause of the Stuarts. We cannot Digitized by VjOOQIC 174 A HISTORY OF THE FOUR GEORGES. ch. vir.
doubt that James Stuart knew to the full the part that Bolingbroke had played. He knew that he- owed BoliQgbroke no favour, and that he could have- no confidence in him. Still it remains to the present hour a mystery why James should then, and in that manner, have got rid of Bolingbroke for ever.

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A History of the Four Georges ..
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