A Hockey Player's Proposal (Oh Captain, My Captain #2)

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What reading level is A Hockey Player's Proposal (Oh Captain, My Captain #2) book?
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I’m almost to the point of thinking that Bonkers likes Brody more than me! I bought a new lock for the gate today because somehow the one I had kept jiggling free to where Bonkers could push it open and get out. Not anymore. Brody, my favorite player, can’t think I’m a crazy person, but nothing is working in my favor to prove that.
    Right now, Allison and I are at the mall for a little shopping spree. She felt that this would be the perfect way to celebrate breaking up with Mick. Allison is o
...n the opposite side of a rack and we’re flipping through some clothes as a thought occurs to me.
    “Allison, we’re celebrating getting rid of Mick-”
    “The sleaze,” she interrupts.
    “But do you realize that this means I’m single now and I don’t have someone readily available for sex?”
    Allison looks up at me. “Let’s ignore the fact that you’re implying you actually slept with that guy.

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A Hockey Player's Proposal (Oh Captain, My Captain #2)
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