A Journal of the Plague Year, Written By a Citizen Who Continued All the While in London

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What reading level is A Journal of the Plague Year, Written By a Citizen Who Continued All the While in London book?
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At last John asked of him whether he, being a justice ofthe peace, would give them certificates of health to other justices whomthey might come before; that so whatever might be their lot, they mightnot be repulsed now they had been also so long from London. This hisworship immediately granted, and gave them proper letters of health, andfrom thence they were at liberty to travel whither they pleased.
Accordingly they had a full certificate of health, intimating that theyhad resided in a village
... in the county of Essex so long that, beingexamined and scrutinised sufficiently, and having been retired from allconversation for above forty days, without any appearance of sickness, they were therefore certainly concluded to be sound men, and might besafely entertained anywhere, having at last removed rather for fear ofthe plague which was come into such a town, rather than for having anysignal of infection upon them, or upon any belonging to them.
With this certificate they removed, though with great reluctance; andJohn inclining not to go far from home, they moved towards the marsheson the side of Waltham.

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