A Korean Tiger

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On and on the words flowed. Never ceasing. Incessant chatter. Yackety-yac-yackety-yac... Where in hell was he? Crucified on the Tower of Babel? Certainly he was bound hand and foot, and he was lying on something very hard. That wasn't so bad — it was the talking that was getting him down, bugging him. Didn't they ever shut up? It was like a convention of howler monkeys and myna birds and stuck auto horns — all mixed into one sickening blast of sound. And none of it made sense. The words were all... blurred together in a weird electronic screaming. It sounded like the tape on a code machine...
    Wait a minute! That voice — that one voice in there? Where had he heard that voice before? Hmmmm — it was very, very familiar. Too familiar!
    Nick Carter kept his eyes tightly closed. His massive brain, only beginning to shake off the effects of the drug, just emerging into lucidity, took over. Not a muscle moved in his face, stark in the harsh hot cone of brilliant white light.

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