A Lady's Point of View

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“How delightful to see you,” she said.
“We’re honoured to have you as our guest.”
“Charmed, madam,” he replied, bowing politely over her hand.
Meg’s initial numb reaction sharpened into disbelief touched with fear. Was it his intention to embarrass her at her own sister’s engagement party? Surely he would not stoop so low, but what could account for his unexpected presence in London?
Her anxiety was in no way relieved when the marquis requested the first dance. She knew that stormy glint in his
...eyes too well to imagine that he had forgiven her transgressions.
“Why have you come?” she asked bluntly as he escorted her into the ballroom. Although his touch contained no hint of tenderness, her body swayed toward him of its own accord. Whatever bonds tied them had not yet fully unravelled.
Taking her question at its face, he said, “As you may recall, I have need of a governess. I resolved to hire one in person this time, and one usually finds the best governesses in London.”

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