A Literary History of Russia

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The " Everyday Story " gives one, " Oblomov " the opposite solu- tion, and the " Landslip," a sort of mixture, i.e.^ no solution at all. In the " Everyday Story " of the young Aduev, printed in 1847, we make acquaintance with the Romanticist from the provinces, who arrives in St. Petersburg with his head full 01 poetry, love, and friendship, where his uncle, the elder Adiiev, extracts his unsound teeth. The operation is painful, but he bears it well and gets them replaced, and with a faultless ...set the nephew takes his seat at the rich board of St. Petersburg officialdom, writes, but not poems, loves, and even marries, but after the most careful inquiry as to dowry and connections ; and his programme is — from Councillor of State to become Actual Councillor, and finally Privy Councillor ; in reward for long and efficient services and tireless labour at length to cast anchor in the haven of some permanent Commission or Com- mittee, while retaining his full pension ; and then the ocean of mankind may rage, the century be changed, peoples and States roll into the abyss of Fate, but everything will pass him calmly by till an apoplectic or other seizure stops the course of his 358 THE NOVEL life.

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