A Manual for the Study of Insects

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It remains in the molting cocoon usually less than twenty-four hours.
After leaving this cocoon it feeds upon the leaves without making a mine ; and in a few days makes a second molting cocoon which differs from the first only in being about one- eighth inch in diameter. After leaving this it Fig. 301. - Cocoons again feeds for a few days, and then mi- l/oiteTia."^'^''^ ^'""' grates to a twig where it makes the long ribbed cocoon within which the pupa state is passed. This very interesting life
...-history was first worked out by Mr. A. E.
Brunn while a student in the writer's laboratory at Cornell University.
When it is necessary to combat this pest the smaller twigs bearing cocoons should be pruned as far as practicable during the winter and burned, and those cocoons that remain on the larger branches should be washed with strong kerosene emulsion.
The Resplendent Shield-bearer, Aspidisca splcndoriferella (As-pi-dis'ca splen-do-rif-e-rel'la). — This Tineid is both a miner and a case-bearer.

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A Manual for the Study of Insects
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