A Manual of Immunity for Students And Practitioners

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The patient's serum and several normal sera, to serve for the control, S, A suspension of washed, human leucocytes in normal saline solution.
1. The Bacterial Emulsion.
For most micro-organisms, young agar cultures (not more than twenty-four hours old) are employed.
The emulsion is made with normal saline solution.
Into a tube, containing several c.c.m. of normal saline, is introduced a platinum loopful of bacteria from the surface of an agar culture. The platinum loop is not allowed to enter t
...he solution, but is brought against the dry inner side of the tube* which is then tilted till the fluid just touches the loop. The loopful of bacteria is now rubbed against the tube wall, which is merely moistened by the slightest contact of the fluid. In this way a homogeneous emulsion is made which is disseminated through the bulk of the solution by shaking.
REACTIONS FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES 121 For preparing an emulsion of tubercle bacilli, Wright recommends the use of 1-5 per cent, salt solution instead of normal saline, and bacilli which are the residue obtained from the preparation of old Tuberculin (obtainable from Meister, Lucius and Bruning).

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