A Memorial Birthday Poem to the Poet

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30 XLYI.
And wert thou living now, still wouldst thou sigh For thy sad country's torn, distracted state; Her sons, the noblest, truest, best, that by Imperial law endure the felon's fate !
The jails of Tullaraore and Kilmainham, What shame they tell of thy sad country's rule, Of Britain's boasted freedom that's a sham, Her habeas corpus that's the tyrant's tool!
Shades of the monarchs of thine olden times, Of the O'Brien's and O'Connor's line, For whom the bards once sang and wove their
...rhymes !
Canst thou behold thy sons in prisons pine, And with th' inspiring spirit that is thine.
Speak not in voices to thy nobly great, " Arise! let not oppression's chains confine Our sons to a resistless, hapless fate!" XLYIII.
Oh, how has perjured calumny's vile hate, Enforced by all the majesty of law, Suborned by power of a corrupted state.
Been foiled, — which only Heav'n itself foresaw !
And the accused, and noble counsel too, Dispelling clouds of darkness as of night, Brio-ht honors for their land achieved anew, — Alike for Ireland — and the cause of Eight !

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