A Metropolitan Murder

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The clock upon the wall strikes four in the afternoon and, though it is an inoffensive little timepiece, the landlord of the establishment looks at it with a peculiarly grim expression, as if the passing of the hour only brings him sixty minutes nearer the final judgment of his maker. He is a heavily jowled, snubnosed man, and his features bear a passing resemblance to those of the average British bull-dog. In consequence, his expression rarely wavers from a look of perpetual melancholy, regardl...ess of the object of his contemplation. In this case, however, the diminution of the evening light is under consideration, and, after a good deal of thought, he finally puts a match to a taper and goes out to light the gas-lamp. As he leaves, the words ‘I won’t be but a minute’ are muttered indistinctly, but with a slight undertone of menace, to no-one in particular. He feels no need to make any more particular statement; he does not say, for instance, that he emphatically does not expect the contents of the whiskey bottle to diminish in his brief absence.

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