A Model Hero

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A few minutes later Gretchen emerged, sending her mother into near hysterics by wearing a fluorescent yellow-and-orange flowing top with fuchsia leggings.
Oh yes. He wanted to taste her. “You rock the color charts.”
She touched the delicate silver chain around her neck and gave him a smile of pure female satisfaction.
He gaped, unable to think through the haze of his raging hard-on. Somehow, he had to last through dinner without burying himself inside her.
“If color interests you, the traditiona
...l catalogs always have display shirts in an array of colors for their models,” Zola said. “Gretchen, which company did you say called yesterday?”
“Hmm,” Gretchen murmured, her gaze still locked on his mouth as she brought the necklace to her lips. “No idea.”
He and Zola settled on opposite sides of the kitchen table for dinner, with Gretchen between them. Throughout the meal, Zola made several more attempts to bring up modeling, but Kyle ignored the bait, rubbing his hand along Gretchen’s thigh under the long tablecloth whenever she opened her mouth to follow up on one of the leading comments.

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