A Pilgrimage of British Farming 1910-1912

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The fringe of salt marsh also added to the saleable products of the farm : first of all comes a belt of the usual tall feathery-headed reeds, the haunt of wildfowl in the winter and frequented at the time of our visit by enormous flocks of starlings feeding on the seed in the waving purple tops. This is cut over once a year for bedding in the byres and stables, and some of it is put up into bundles for sale into the towns.
Beyond the reeds down to the edge of the pure mud there is another belt
...of "salt grass," a kind of tall carex, very tough and possessing a dangerous cutting edge; this material, though not so tall as the reeds, forms a better and more lasting thatch, and is sold for that purpose as well as used on all the stacks on the farm.
The farms we saw in the Carse of Gowrie showed close business-like management, and the system has been well devised to suit the soil and the local markets ; it looked very profitable farming, so much of the produce being sold away. Naturally such a course of cropping and sale involves a considerable labour bill, and with Dundee at hand to compete for men wages are high — up to 20s.

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A Pilgrimage of British Farming 1910-1912
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