A Quarter Century of Public School Development

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How shall the various functions be distributed among these officers ? Upon what principle shall the division of functions be made ? That principle, as I have already pointed out, is responsibihty. For cer- tain lines of work, boards of education should be respon- sible ; for certain lines of work, professional educators should be responsible.
BOARDS OF EDUCATION The board of education, be it large or small, be its mem- bers elected by popular vote or appointed by the mayor, with or without the
...approval of the city council, is still directly or indirectly the representative of the people of the vicinage in the management of the schools, and as such it has the disbursement of the school moneys, which come in large measure from local taxes. The board should select the sites for school buildings, and, either directly or through its agents, superintend the construction. It should purchase all supplies, 6ither directly or through an agent.
In these matters* the attitude of scholastic officers should 296 CITY SCHOOL SYSTEMS be purely advisory, except in the case of textbooks.

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