A Radical Cure for the Swarming Habit of Bees

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That kind of bee-keeper seems to keep bees for the exercise and excitement he gets out of it chasing swarms, climbing trees and hiving swarms. The heat, sweat and stings makes him think that swarming is the chief end or apiculture. Such a trifle as a honey yield is a minor consideration with him. 2. Cutting off the heads of so much sealed brood may seem a cruel useless ''slaughter of the innocents." Admitting, for the sake of argument, that it is, does man hesitate to sterilize and weed out all... inferior animals even tho his methods involve pain and even death. All our methods of preparing animal food inflict cruelty and death upon the animal. Again, the brood beheaded, if it had been left undisturbed would not have hatched out in time to help gather the harvest. They would arrive upon the scene at a time to become consumers and not produc- ers. The unsealed brood, together with the newly laid eggs in the empty cells from which the bees have re- moved the brood will hatch out in time to assist with the fall flov/, if there should be one, and your colonies will go into winter quarters as strong as they would have been if the capped brood had not been destroyed.

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A Radical Cure for the Swarming Habit of Bees
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