A Reader in Physical Geography, for Beginners

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A Reader in Physical Geography, for Beginners
Richard Elwood Dodge
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There are other signs of weathering besides the soften- ing and crumbling of the rocks. When rocks become discolored they grow red or brown or gray, and then give a foothold to the low forms of plants known as lichens, that cover our hard rock ledges in moist regions. It is largely from the detritus weathered from the solid rocks that our soil is made, upon which nearly all vegetable and animal life depends. A fine soil thus is the most fertile, because plants-can get food from it most readily.... . Weath- ering also rounds off corners, and a weathered pebble, rock, doorstone, or board loses its angularity and becomes rounded and subdued in outline. As destruction proceeds, we should therefore expect THE EFFECTS OF GRAVITY. 73 our cliffs and high ridges to become less sharp and less craggy. Such a contrast of outline and color is very clearly shown by comparing a weathered piece of trap rock from the Palisades of the Hudson with one just broken away. The weathered piece is brown and some- what rounded, it feels soft, and the particles are loosened on the surface.

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A Reader in Physical Geography, for Beginners
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