A Reminiscent book

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What reading level is A Reminiscent book book?
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A teacher's lesson mingles grave and gay, Didactic pastime of a holiday.
Who, learning wisdom from the ingenious nurse.
Resolves to sugar-coat his drugs with verse.
Hear me, O Muse, and lend thy genial power.
Beguile the time — 'twill scarcely be an hour — Though from a toil-worn brain an exile long.
Yet smile upon this unadventurous song.
Which aims in but a middle flight to soar, Yet would not prove a bald and downright bore.
Say first, O Muse, what is the final cause; Are we the better for t
...hese civil laws?
First reconcile to hear the homely truth That form the manners of the goodly youth.
Talk not in riddles; make thy lesson plain, And be specific, lest thou teach in vain.
Though some shall deem thee far more nice than wise, A hundred trifles thou must not despise.
The dress and address, how to look and walk.
The way to eat and drink, and write and talk; And how to do at church and in the street.
And how repel the rudeness that you meet; And when a mishap strikes you with surprise.

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