A School Manual for the Use of Officers And Teachers in the Public Schools of California, Comprising the Constitution of the United States; the Constitution of California; the School Law of California; a Digest of Decisions Rendered By the Supreme Court O

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To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

If there be several first grade teach- ers, with different salaries, it is not necessary that teach- ers of beginners shall receive a salary equal to the highest paid, although the Board have the right to pay such sal- ary. It is sufficient if they receive a salary equal to that paid a teacher of first grade pupils.
Attorney-General Johnson, March, 1890.
I do not see any conflict between the fifth subdivision of Section 1858 and the second subdivision of Section 154.S of the Political Code. The
... fifth subdivision of Section 1858 is mandatory. In order to render the Superintendent criminally liable for not carrying out this mandate, it must have been a willful omission.
Attorney -General Johnson, March, 1890.
I find nothing in the law which can be enforced against a lady teacher who declines to sing or play at the closing exercises of a public school. In such matters outside of the prescribed curriculums of duty as laid down in the law, the Principal wdl have to depend upon reasonable OPINIONS OF ATTORNEY CxENERALS.

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