A Slow Burning Fire

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There would be food at the party, but she didn't know what kind. On the off chance it was something light or something she didn't like, she wanted to be prepared. If she did happen to like it, then she would overindulge. When she got stressed, she tended to eat more anyway. She could take one more food holiday before getting back to her exercise routine. She also wanted a full stomach, because she knew she would be having a drink of some kind. Alcohol wasn't generally her thing, but the idea of ...unwinding a little bit was appealing. If she was going to have a drink, then she would be sure to do it responsibly.After her stomach was full, she found the perfect dress to wear. A red cocktail dress with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart bust. There was an empire waist, and the fabric hugged her curves down to halfway over her thighs. Five-inch heels in the same color accessorized her feet, and she found a simple flower pendant necklace to help add a little flare. The outfit was a little more risqué than she usually attempted, but she felt hot, sexy, and confident.

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