A Song to Die for

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Creed racked his guitar and slipped his forty-five into the front of his pants. He looked for the three thugs, but couldn’t find them, which made him nervous. He looked for the sexy librarian, too. She was waiting to meet Luster, but not having much luck getting close to him through the crowd.
Luster continued to talk to fans while the band tore down and packed up. Creed kept one hand on his amp and one on the grip of his pistol as he took his first load to the bus, slipping his gear into the ba
...ggage compartment. He almost expected to encounter the poker game robbers, but they failed to materialize.
Later, the stage cleared, he saw Luster finally turn away from the remaining fans to face the band members, who were standing around on the stage. He noticed the sexy librarian lawyer had failed to work her way up to Luster, and looked disappointed. He thought he might go talk to her, arrange an introduction to the legend. Luster changed that plan.
He turned around and scowled at the band.

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