A Soul of Steel (A Novel of Suspense Featuring Irene Adler And Sherlock Holmes)

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The book A Soul of Steel (A Novel of Suspense Featuring Irene Adler And Sherlock Holmes) was written by author Here you can read free online of A Soul of Steel (A Novel of Suspense Featuring Irene Adler And Sherlock Holmes) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is A Soul of Steel (A Novel of Suspense Featuring Irene Adler And Sherlock Holmes) a good or bad book?
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friend is a determined woman.”I paused in opening the shutters. If I meant to throw light on my long-ago acquaintance’s situation, the actual light of day might draw forth a corresponding candor. Besides, the hushed, dim intimacy of the sickroom made me uneasy, as did the familiar but utterly altered figure upon the bed. I opened the shutters, and the clear morning light poured in.“Irene has had to be determined,” I said, taking the hard chair by the bedside with a false calm. I was not used to ...playing interrogator.“Tell me about her,” he suggested after a pause. “At first I thought you were employed in some manner in the Nortons’ household. Are you actually mere friends?”“Yes, I am,” I said, laughing at his confusion. “And more. I assist Godfrey with certain legal matters, and—although no one can be said to assist Irene; she is far too independent—I make myself useful to her as well. I am not quite employee nor family member. I suppose you could accuse me of idleness and waste.”“You ‘make yourself useful,’ “ he repeated soberly.

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