A Stellar Affair

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She looked around in case someone had heard, but all was quiet. The frame swung freely from the connecting filaments at the top once the other three sides were severed. She pushed the window open and looked out. Although it was dark outside, there was enough light from the other buildings for her to see the road.
    She tried to hook her right leg over the window sill. It was high, and she had to give it three more tries before she succeeded. She pulled herself sideways onto the ledge on her be
...lly. Her breath whooshed out as she slowly turned to hang her legs outside so she could lower herself feet first. She prayed no one would hear her.
    The broken wires caught at her shirt as she wriggled farther out of the aperture. Just when she thought her bruised ribs and squished breasts couldn’t take anymore, she got stuck. Her shirt folded and bunched up where it snagged, and gravity worked against her. She certainly wasn’t getting off to a good start.

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