A Summer And Winter On Hudson Bay

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A Summer And Winter On Hudson Bay
Leith, C. K. (Charles Kenneth), 1875-1956
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He has seen some good-sized white men and Indians in his time, so this Eskimo was a very large Digitized by Google 168 Winter on Hudson Bay man. We heard others speak of large Eskimos, so maybe BilPs story is no myth.
Then there was a man who ate ten partridges at a meal. He lived at Great Whale once upon a time.
For a long time that story was too much for us. We did not believe ten partridges could be secured for cooking at one time, and if they were, one man could not eat them without a surgi
...cal operation. It was unlucky for Bill we did not meet him on our way out as we wished to assure him his story was undoubtedly true. The partridges were numerous and tame late|*, and we could nearly duplicate the eating feat ourselves.
Bill was sleeping when the first flock of geese passed flying south. He inmiediately sat up and took notice. The next night more geese passed and Bill became worried. **By cracky, I ought to be home," expressed his disappointment in being so unlucky as to be separated from his gun and hunt- ing grounds when the geese were flying.

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