A Summer Journey to Brazil

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Your gloves you buy, without metal buttons, which discolor, only a few at a time, and keep them with lumps of dry ammonia in a tight glass jar or tin biscuit box. You do not trim your dresses with steel. That would rust. When you buy a new hat-pin it has a gilt or brass, not a steel, pin. You keep an eye to your needles and scissors.
A few insects will give you something to talk about when you reach home, but they are not much more troublesome than home- pests.
The flea (pulga) takes the place
...of mos- quitoes. He does not keep you awake with singing, and if you compel careful cleaning of your rooms and do not cherish vagabond THE CITY OF SAO PAULO. 85 dogs you will not find him a serious trial after the first fortnight or so. I do not know whether it was a truth spoken in jest or how to characterize the assertion of an old resident who said that his own home fleas never bit him. It was only in other people's houses that he suffered. One does at least seem to grow bite-proof.
A borachuda bite is more rare but more interesting.

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A Summer Journey to Brazil
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