A Tale Out of Luck (2008)

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He was going to ask the U.S. Army for help in finding the stolen mare. Leaving the Pedernales River valley behind, they rode over high ground, through open grazing lands dotted with oak motts, the denser cedar brakes holding to the draws.The four-hour ride brought them to the cool, clear waters of Cypress Creek. Rounding a bend in the creek, they came within view of the Stars and Stripes flying high over the fort.They encountered a black soldier guarding the road, as they expected. The Ninth Cav...alry garrisoned Fort Jennings. Except for the officers, all the soldiers in the Ninth were black—“buffalo soldiers,” as they were known. Skeeter had been told that the Indians likened the hair of the black recruits to the shag on the humps of the buffalo, hence the name.“What do you want?” the sentry demanded.“We want to talk to the post commander,” Jay Blue said.“You have an appointment?”Jay Blue shot a glance at Skeeter. “You don’t think we’d ride all this way without an appointment, do you?”The soldier laughed.

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