A Thread of Time: Firesetter, book 1

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my mother called to Pellen as he lifted Amyr through the hole in the fence.  I was already waiting on the other side to catch him.
“She is not coming.”
“What?” my mother gasped, as I gazed at the others who crouched alongside the wall.  Some were already sidling around the corner, or crawling through the bent path of overgrown grass.  I was anxious to follow them, to run with them to the freedom that awaited, to begin an adventure outside our village and the only world I had known.
Instead, I he
...ld out my arms for Amyr, hefting him upon my back, wrapping his legs around my waist, softly snorting and pawing the ground as if I was his horse.  I had carried him like this before.  His weight was not more than a basket of fish on a day that I had done well, and certainly, he was easier to carry and less smelly.
“Hold tightly, cousin,” I called loping along after the crowd.  “We’re going exploring in the woods.  You are a great hunter and a brave warrior of our people, while I am your trusty and swift-footed steed.”

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