A Time for Justice

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As is the norm in many airports now, the arrival was not heralded by tannoy, but merely blipped up on the numerous TV monitors dotted around the terminus.
Henry Christie and Karl Donaldson watched the plane taxi to the gate and the motorised steps be driven, rather like small, controllable dinosaurs, to the front and rear doors of the plane.
The doors were heaved open and after a pause the first of the passengers began to disembark.
Donaldson held his breath.
Henry noted his tension.
Then the Am
...erican said, ‘That’s him,’ and pointed. ‘The guy in the suit. He’s brought one of his goons with him.’ Henry looked through his binoculars, focused them on Corelli as he clambered down the steps at the front of the plane.
‘So that’s what a Mafia godfather looks like. Looks more like a grandfather,’ commented Henry.
‘Don’t let looks deceive you. That’s one of his strengths.
People are taken in by him.’ ‘But I’m well pissed off with this,’ Henry moaned. ‘He just doesn’t fit my stereotype.

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