A Treatise On the Insects Injurious to Fruit And Fruit Trees of the State of California, And Remedies Recommended for Their Extermination

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The book A Treatise On the Insects Injurious to Fruit And Fruit Trees of the State of California, And Remedies Recommended for Their Extermination was written by author Here you can read free online of A Treatise On the Insects Injurious to Fruit And Fruit Trees of the State of California, And Remedies Recommended for Their Extermination book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is A Treatise On the Insects Injurious to Fruit And Fruit Trees of the State of California, And Remedies Recommended for Their Extermination a good or bad book?
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By scraping and washing the tree, as heretofore described, the larvae or pupae hibernating are destroyed, and prevented from propagating their kind.
A prominent fruit grower, whose orchard is near to this city, pur- chased three hundred hogs, and placed them in his orchard. He employed men to pick fruit off his trees showing signs of larvae.
The hogs followed the men from tree to tree, and ate all fruit thrown down. This operation was often repeated, so that the early broods were nearly destroy
...ed, and a large percentage of the late crops saved.
This is an excellent remedy, but expensive. Fruit infested picked off the trees and destroyed, will prove successful to the extent prac- ticed.
To be successful, use every effort to destroy the spring brood of moths.
Any means taken to destroy the early broods will prevent the late fruit from being lost.
The Natoma Fruit Company, Folsom, Sacramento County, scraped, washed twice, and banded twenty-five hundred pear trees, at an aver- age cost, labor included, of six cents per tree.

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