Above the Snowline

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So many soldiers marching through it, one after another. Their coats were white with hoar frost; they carried only light packs and each man’s pallid face was like a lantern floating above the amber lamp that swung in his hand. Each was lined with exhaustion, and lit with sudden surprise as I ran past.  Time would tear Dellin from my side. I keenly felt its inexorable flow separating us even now. I felt as if she had been walking beside me, then suddenly lost her footing and chuted down the icy s...lope, out of control, hurtling faster and faster into the distance. Time would rip her away - she would crash into all its events and it would kill her. Rhydanne live too quickly. How cruel reality was! How cruel time was, as we walk like parasites on its rushing body. Time: as the twelve strokes of midnight drew nearer, I felt it tangible in the air, a sense of expectation, anticipation. It was so cloying, I couldn’t stand it!  If I don’t save Dellin, she will die. There suddenly seemed to be very little time left - if I don’t save her in a matter of minutes she will die imminently!

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