Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Relating to the City of London, Returned Into the Court of Chancery During the Tudor Period 36

Cover Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Relating to the City of London, Returned Into the Court of Chancery During the Tudor Period 36
Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Relating to the City of London, Returned Into the Court of Chancery During the Tudor Period 36
Fry, Edw. Alex. (Edward Alexander)
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What reading level is Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem Relating to the City of London, Returned Into the Court of Chancery During the Tudor Period 36 book?

At head of title: The Index library Parts 1-2 edited by W.P.W. Phillimore and G.S. Frye; pt. 3- by E.A. Fry; pt.4, by S.J.Madge Part 4 has title: Abstracts of Inquisitiones post mortem for Gloucestershire Pt. I., 1 Henry VII to 3 Elizabeth, 1485-1561; ed. by George S. Fry. -- Pt. II. 4-19 Elizabeth, 1561-1577; ed. by Sidney J. Madge. --_ Pt. III, 19-45 Elizabeth, 1577-1606; ed. by Edward Alexander Fry London. Commissary Court book repair (vol.15) 1

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