Actual India;

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Actual India;
Sawtell, Arthur. [from Old Catalog]
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The other chief heads of ex- penditure include the post-office, the telegraphs, the railways, irrigation, the collection of revenue, and the debt services.
The principal sources of revenue are the land, forests, opium, salt, stamps, customs, and the commercial services (railways, post-office, irrigation, &c.). But the cost of government and defence is not entirely met out of revenue.
As India's principal creditor England draws large sums of money annually from her great Eastern dependency.
...y remittances also go home to England in the form of pensions, trade profits, dividends and so forth. It is some- ' A maund is equal to about 80 lbs. avoirdupois.
Digitized by VjOOQ IC 6B ACTUAL INDIA times argued that these payments constitute an annual tribute from India to Great Britain, but it should be noted that India pays for nothing which she does not get. Every country has to pay for its borrowings, whether in the form of public debt or capital for private enterprise, and India cannot expect to be an exception to this rule.

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