Adams Grove 03-Wedding Cake And Big Mistakes

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She hadn’t seen or heard from Connor since the big blowup, but she’d successfully moved every single box out of the apartment without his help.Even though there wasn’t one piece of furniture here yet, it already felt like home—besides that the tension with Connor was too much. This is where I belong. She tried to picture her furniture and the pictures she’d picked out for each accent wall.Three fast raps pounded on her front door.My first company!She jogged through the space, sliding to the door... on the hardwood floors in her socks. Without even bothering to look through the peephole, she swung the door open, expecting to see Jill and Garrett since she’d called them earlier about using the trailer.She froze for a two-count. “Dad? What are…? Come in. How are you feeling today?” Did Connor tell him?He looked like he was stuck in neutral, bobbing forward a little but not taking a step. “I saw your car. I hope you don’t mind me stopping by. If it’s not a good—”“It’s fine.

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