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Dennis in a little pamphlet by way of Mr. Norris' account. When he thinks fit to take notice of Mr. Dennis' objections to his writings, he will do it in a way Mr.
Dennis shall have no just reason to complain of. But when the papers above mentioned were offered to be communicated to him he said he could not, either in honour or conscience, be privy to such a treatment, and was sorry to hear of it. — I am, sir, your very humble servant." » Pope's motive in writing the pamphlet was, as John- son s
...ays, " to give his resentment full play without ap- pearing to revenge himself" for the attack which Dennis had made on his own poems. Addison doubtless divined the truth ; but the wording of the letter which he caused a third person to write to Lintot certainly seems studious- ly offensive to Pope, who had, professedly at any rate, placed his pen at his service, and who had connected his own name with Cato by the fine Prologue he had written in its praise. Lintot would of course have shown Pope Steele's letter, and we may be sure that the lofty tone taken by Addison in speaking of the pamphlet would have rankled bitterly in the poet's mind.

What to read after Addison?
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