Address Delivered Before Theodore Winthrop Encampment, Post 35, G. A. R., At Academy of Music, Chelsea, Mass., Memorial Day, May 30, 1873

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What reading level is Address Delivered Before Theodore Winthrop Encampment, Post 35, G. A. R., At Academy of Music, Chelsea, Mass., Memorial Day, May 30, 1873 book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

All are our heroes ! We love and venerate all.
But I should do injustice to my own feelings should I refrain from alluding to one who to-day is honored by the entire community for his effcn-ts in behalf not onl}- of his own peculiar charge, the soldiers of Chelsea, but of every loyal man who wore the l)lue. It was the good fortune of Chelsea, to her glory be it said, to possess, during the war, chief magistrates, whose hearts were not only right, but one especially, who left his home, and durin
...g the years of wan- dering, struggle, defeat and tinal victor}^ of the Army of the Potomac, on the march, the battle-field and in the hosfutal, cheered and sustained the war-worn, suffering soldier, who was bearing the heat and l)urden of the day. Having per- sonally experienced his kindness and witnessed his devotion, I iiladly seize this passing moment to pay my humble tri))ute to the lofty patriotism and unselfish, noble service of one whose name I need not speak.
If language fails fitly to express admiration of the deeds of valiant men, what power can we invoke to aid us in attempting to portray the devotion of noble women?

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